Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Security Screens — Boss Security Screens

21 Feb.,2024


Excellent security never looked this good! Security is one of those timeless human needs that has always been with us and always will.

Think about it. We domesticated dogs and built moats to get the bad stuff out. And over the years we developed all kinds of tools to help keep us safe. We have doorbell cams, high walls, security cameras, firearms, security alarms - even electronic dogs!

All of these solutions help project an image that this home or building won’t be an easy target. And we hope it’s sufficient to dissuade a would-be assailant or criminal. We call it layered security. It’s smart security.

But as we all know, a security camera won’t stop a break-in, nor will a security alarm. Countless times we’ve seen videos of burglar smiling into the camera while he breaks into a home with the alarm blaring. As far as that bad guy is concerned, he can get in and out within 2 minutes - straight to the master bedroom for the guns, the jewelry and the prescriptions - and then long gone before the police arrive.

The locked and loaded among will invariably say something like, “Well, go ahead and try to break into my place. My two friends, Smith & Wesson, have something for a ya’!”

But just stop and think about that scenario for a moment. What if someone breaks into my home and I bump into him on the first floor. What then? My gun is near my bed stand upstairs! I am SOL. So unless you have your firearm on your hip or within reach whenever there’s a problem, your weapon is useless.

And even if I did have one stashed nearby and I did get to it in time, am I really gonna want to double tap that dude? He’s going to make a mess with blood everywhere! Who will clean it up?? And the bad guys seldom dies easily like in the movies. There’s a good chance the guy I just shot in my home will be screaming like a half-slaughtered pig…And you know what? You will always recall that gruesome scene. Every. Single. Time. You. Walk. Past. That. Spot.

So now you want to move out of your house because your family can’t take the emotional drain of remembering that horrible time you had to kill someone in your own home.

And when you try to sell your home, no one will want to buy it because it had a homicide inside. Bad juju!

What can you do? Well, you could put bars on your windows. But they are ugly and lower the value of all the homes in your neighborhood. Besides, who wants to look outside and see bars. Would feel like a caged animal.

You could get those rolling shutters. But they only provide security when they are all the way down. You would have to keep them down all the time to get the security you need. That means your home will become dark and moldy because there’s no sunshine and no fresh air.

That’s why you need security screens. Boss Security Screens look like ordinary bug screens but they are stronger than bars. Guaranteed to keep criminals out of your home.

The mesh is made from stainless steel. It cannot be ripped or cut with a knife. Box cutters won’t work. Hammers and crowbars won’t work. They are nearly impossible to breach.

In fact, we’ve installed thousands of security screens and not one - not a single one! - has ever been defeated.

Why? Because it would simply take too much time and energy to even try. Why work so hard and make such a ruckus when you can just hit the home down the street that has zero protection.

The bad guys are dumb but the’re not stupid. They are not scoping the toughest looking home on the block. They are looking for the easiest.

Our security screens ensure you home will never be an easy target.

Keep Pets & Kids In

Potential clients often ask, “What about my big dog. He’s always destroying our screens. Will your screens get destroyed, too?

Absolutely not. Our screens are so tough they are used to bears out of remote cabins. Imagine three, 500 lb, ultra hungry bears clawing away at the screens, wanting to get good. They won’t be able to get in. We guarantee it!

Maybe you have bears and coyotes that you want to keep out. Or maybe you just want to open the slider on a beautiful day and have the utmost confidence that our security screens will keep your pets and kids inside. Period.

You Get the Fresh Air

This one is a really nice benefit with security screens. When the weather’s nice, you can open all your windows and doors (keep the security screens locked, of course) and let the whole house air out. It’s amazing!

Sometimes my family and I will go on a two or three day trip and if we know the weather will be nice while we are gone, we will open up everything and let the house air out. No one’s getting in there. And by the time we return back home, it’s as if we have a brand new house. Fresh and clean.

Retains the Views

If you have a nice view outside one of your windows or doors, the last thing you want to do is ruin it with those iron bars or gates. They look bad and they ruin your property value.

You could get those rolling shutters, but those will annihilate any view you may have had because with them, no you can’t see anything!

The beauty of security screens is they look great on your home, AND provide 24/7 protection from intruders, AND they retain those awesome views you may have around your home.

Security screens enable you to keep what you treasure most without having to compromise.

Reduces A/C Bills

There’s one more neat bonus that comes with security and that’s lower A/C bills. That’s because our security screens filter up 65% of the solar heat energy beating it’s way into your home. In the summer months, that heat can be unbearable and very expensive as you try to keep your home comfortably cool. Some of our clients are saving up to $150 per month on A/C because of our security screens. And as our summers continue to get hotter and hotter over the next few decades, you can rest assured your security screens are helping you staff both safe AND cool.